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Batana Oil

Batana Oil

"The hair and skin Superfood"


Batana Oil is derived from the American palm tree (Elaeis aleofera) which is native to Central and South America, stretching from Mexico in the north to the very tip of the continent. It appears to have been distributed along routes that the indigenous peoples of South America would have moved along, suggesting its value to the people of the continent. It is related to the mmore well known African palm but it is hardier, less disease prone and produces a higher quality oil. The biggest producers of Batana Oil are Colombia, Guatenala and Ecudor respectively.


The American palm and the oil derived from it have been used as food and medicine by natures of South America for centuries. Undoubtedly, the most important use of the oil was as a skin and hair trearment.. The Miskita people of Honduras, for example, credit the oil with helping them grow long and strong hair. Thanks to the effects of the oil these people are also known as the Tawira Miskita, meaning "the people with the beautiful hair." Women in Northern Colombia also use the the raw oil on their hair regularly in order to remove dandruff, prevent hair loss and stop the hair going gray. Thanks to the composition of the oil it helps to retain moisure and nourish the hair and scalp. As a hair and scalp oil batana is still in huge demand with people from South America , wherever they are in the world, while the rest of us have missed out on this amazing oil...untilk now!


Batana Oil has also been used traditionally on inflamed, sun damaged and ageing skin. Once again its abaility to maintain hydration of the skin coupled with an inti-inflammatory effect make it perfect as an application to skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Today there is a hugh cosmetic industry with all sorts of applications, injections and surgery for those who feel getting old has compromised their skin and their collahen levels, but who needs to inject collagen, botox or anything else, when you can feed and protect your skin and collagen with Batana Oil.


Batana Oil contains an array of powerful constituents inclduings beta-carotene, tocopherol and tocotrienols (which are types of the pwerful antioxidant vitamin E), polyphenols (again anrioxidant), phytosterols and high proportions of the eseential fatty acids oleic acid and linoleic acid which are also known for their anti-inflammatory and nourishing effects on the skin. These constituents represent an incredible tool box for preserving, promotiong and protecting the health of your skin and hair.


Our Batana Oil is cold pressed raw and unprocessed with no other additives or ingredients whatsoever.


  • Ingredients

    Raw, cold pressed, unprocessed oil of Elaeis oleifera/American Palm obtained from wild grown Batana trees in the Colombian forrests. Batana Oil can be applied to other areas of the body or face, Use a small amount to cover the area and massage in well. This can be repeated up to 3 times daily.

    Batana Oil is safe if ingested, and is safe for children.

    Store in a cool dry place.

  • Directions for use;

    Apply a small quantity to the hair and scalp, and massage in well ensuring you cover your hair from root to tip. Leave in for at least 20 minutes and then wash off.

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